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What is a micro-credential?
A micro-credential is a small class, workshop, or series of webinars/lectures in a specific content area that students, practitioners, and professionals can enroll in to gain the knowledge and skills needed to improve their practice.
CAI’s micro-credentials are based on current research, comprised of sessions taught by highly qualified and skilled scholars, researchers, and practitioners, and include a panel of experts to ensure you have acquired the expected level of in-depth learning and skill development to warrant the credential.
How do micro-credentials differ from other types of professional development?
- They measure the demonstration of skills and knowledge, not time spent learning
- They are focused on specific skills and knowledge as opposed to a broader range of topics
- They are shorter and more efficient than traditional degrees or professional development programs
- They are tailored to the individual needs of the learner, and the timeline is flexible
- They are less expensive than certifications
What are some benefits of micro-credentials?
- They help improve employability, personal growth, and confidence
- They can be stacked toward larger credentials
- They can help employers identify an applicant’s authentic skills related to the job
How do I earn a CAI micro-credential?
You can earn a micro-credential by completing sessions and passing quizzes and competency-based assignments. A panel of experts who review your work determines the satisfactory completion of the micro-credential.
What do I receive after satisfactory completion of a micro-credential?
- APA-approved continuing education credits
- Official micro-credential certificate, suitable for framing, recognizing competency in the content area
- A verifiable digital badge that shows your competency. The badge includes metadata that shows which micro-credential you completed and when. Badges may be displayed on your resume or vita, website, LinkedIn profile, or other social media platforms, as well as in your email signature, to showcase your achievements.
Is there a deadline for completing all the requirements for a micro-credential?
No. However, completing the micro-credential requirements within a year is recommended to ensure that your knowledge and skills are current.
What will the micro-credential certificate and badge look like?
Here are the two samples:

What areas can I develop my skills in?
- Interventions for Strengthening Executive Functions
- Specific Cognitive Processes for SLD Identification
- Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia
- WJ V: Overview and Research Applications
- Culture and Language Considerations in SLD Case Conceptualization
- Developmental Disabilities: Differential Diagnosis and Accommodations