The Intervention Library (IL) is a compilation of over 1000 entries that are uniquely organized into five categories, including Instructional, Environmental, Curricular, Remediation Programs and Skill Building Techniques, and Compensatory Strategies and Supports. A wide variety of interventions are included in each of these categories to address a student’s unique learning needs across the eight academic areas listed in IDEA. Furthermore, when information is available about a student’s area(s) of cognitive weakness, interventions in each of the five categories are also available to assist with minimizing the effects of the weakness, thereby allowing the student greater access to instruction and the curriculum.
The six intervention strategies are defined briefly below:
Instructional: Teaching procedures and techniques used to support learning and assist in minimizing the impact of cognitive or academic weaknesses.
Environmental: Physical resources in a student’s learning setting that may be used or adapted to increase access to, or support understanding of, instructional content.
Curricular: Printed, digital, and other educational resources that may be used to support and reinforce initial learning in a manner that responds to a student’s unique needs.
Remediation Programs and Skill Building Techniques: Remediation programs are intended to ameliorate academic weaknesses and train specific cognitive processing weaknesses. Skill Building Techniques assist in acquiring and developing academic and cognitive skills.
Compensatory Strategies and Supports: Strategies used by the student to assist in compensating for or minimizing the impact of cognitive or academic weaknesses. Recommendations to support learning.
Demonstration of how to use the IL to select interventions that are tailored to the student
Explanation of how cognitive processing weaknesses manifest in the classroom
Description of CHC abilities and processes and their relationship to specific academic skills
Review of recent revisions and refinements to the CHC taxonomy
“The intervention Library is a compendium of learning strategies that contains a wealth of resources for child study team professionals, teachers, and independent practitioners who want to expand their armamentarium of recommendations. Rather than being a mere list of strategies, each is linked directly to a cognitive processing (CHC) domain or academic category so that users can become practiced in understanding the cognitive processes underlying academic subject areas, and addressing deficits in specific domains by choosing interventions that target each area.”
– Steven Korner, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, Creskill, N.J., Educator of the Year Award, Learning Disabilities of America (2018)