Intervention Library

Resources for Instruction and Intervention


The Intervention Library (IL) is a compilation of over 1000 entries that are uniquely organized into five categories, including Instructional, Environmental, Curricular, Remediation Programs and Skill Building Techniques, and Compensatory Strategies and Supports. A wide variety of interventions are included in each of these categories to address a student’s unique learning needs across the eight academic areas listed in IDEA. Furthermore, when information is available about a student’s area(s) of cognitive weakness, interventions in each of the five categories are also available to assist with minimizing the effects of the weakness, thereby allowing the student greater access to instruction and the curriculum.

The six intervention strategies are defined briefly below: 

Instructional: Teaching procedures and techniques used to support learning and assist in minimizing the impact of cognitive or academic weaknesses.

Environmental: Physical resources in a student’s learning setting that may be used or adapted to increase access to, or support understanding of, instructional content.

Curricular: Printed, digital, and other educational resources that may be used to support and reinforce initial learning in a manner that responds to a student’s unique needs.

Remediation Programs and Skill Building Techniques: Remediation programs are intended to ameliorate academic weaknesses and train specific cognitive processing weaknesses. Skill Building Techniques assist in acquiring and developing academic and cognitive skills.

Compensatory Strategies and Supports: Strategies used by the student to assist in compensating for or minimizing the impact of cognitive or academic weaknesses. Recommendations to support learning. 



***FREE training on CHC Cognitive Abilities and Processes training by Dr. Alfonso!

PLEASE NOTE: This is available as a downloadable product through a course shell. You will need to have a current desktop version of EXCEL to run the program. (Mac 2010/PC Excel 365).

“I am a school psychologist who works with students in elementary and middle school and the intervention library has been an incredible resource for me in my work. It has very helpful interventions and strategies that my special education team has been able to implement with our students across different grade levels. It is also very user-friendly and accessible!”

Gabriela H.

Key Features

  • Provides practical and evidence-based pre-referral recommendations 
  • Includes remediation programs and/or techniques across all areas 
  • Includes links to websites and tools that assist with implementation of interventions 
  • Connects students with environmental resources and curricular materials 
  • Provides recommendations that empower students to build skills 
  • Includes interventions that encourage independent use of strategies
  • Provides valuable information to school personnel working within an RTI or MTSS framework.
  • Assists teachers with differentiating and tailoring instruction
  • Helps teams individualize IEPs, 504s, and other learning plans
  • Supports Universal Design for Learning (UDL guidelines)
  • Includes interventions reviewed by the Institute of Education nation Services (IES) and select content areas reviewed by leading experts in the field. 

The 10 Cognitive Areas

  • Fluid Reasoning (Gf)
  • Comprehension Knowledge (Gc) 
  • Learning Efficiency (Gl)
  • Retrieval Fluency (Gr)
  • Working Memory Capacity (Gwm)
  • Visual Processing (Gv)
  • Processing Speed (Gs)
  • Auditory Processing (Ga)
  • Phonological Processing (Ga:PA)
  • Orthographic Processing (OP) 

The 8 Academic Areas

  • Basic Reading Skills and Phonics
  • Reading Fluency
  • Reading Comprehension 
  • Math Calculation
  • Math Problem Solving 
  • Written Expression 
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Oral Expression

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