By the founders of CAI
CAI offers an extensive library of publications, software, and other resources to assist in your comprehensive assessment needs. The evolving research connects assessment findings into direct interventions through a non-discriminatory approach for all ages.
- Cutting Edge Research
- Connection of assessment to interventions
- Supports Non-Discriminatory Assessment
- Early Childhood
Contemporary Intellectual Assessment
This leading practitioner reference and text–now in a revised and expanded fourth edition–provides the knowledge needed to use state-of-the-art cognitive tests with individuals of all ages, from preschoolers to adults. The volume examines major theories and tests of intelligence (in chapters written by the theorists and test developers themselves) and presents research-based approaches to test interpretation. Contributors address critical issues in evaluating culturally and linguistically diverse students, gifted students, and those with intellectual disability, sensory–motor impairments, traumatic brain injuries, and learning difficulties and disabilities. The fourth edition highlights the use of cognitive test results in planning school-based interventions.

“This is the volume on cognitive assessment. The fourth edition wonderfully captures the field’s changing legislative policies, diagnostic systems, testing standards, research, theories, and controversies. A who’s who of scholars eloquently provide highly practical, scientifically based information. The volume describes the latest tests as well as state-of-the-art approaches to score interpretation, decision making and intervention planning, including applications for multi-tiered systems of support in schools. This is a ‘must-read’ text for students of cognitive assessment, theories of intelligence, and applications of measurement, as well as practicing school, educational, and clinical psychologists and educators. Highly recommended!”
—Linda A. Reddy, PhD, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
“The fourth edition keeps up an excellent tradition of providing students, researchers, and clinicians with a text that is unrivaled in its breadth and depth. This edition reflects the ever-increasing translation of neuroscience into new and revised theories and measures, and emphasizes new applied aspects of intellectual assessment. Clinicians will appreciate this outstanding reference work written and edited by the field’s best experts.”
“This is a remarkably content-rich book on intellectual assessment broadly defined. Thirty-nine chapters—written by the best and brightest—trace the historical roots of test development and interpretation; explain the theoretical models that fuel such activity; and describe specific intelligence, cognitive, and neuropsychological batteries, their validity for use with children and youth, and how the data they generate may inform intervention development. As one who develops academic interventions for children with serious learning problems, I found the book helpful for thinking about individual differences in cognition and how they may influence construction of training programs to strengthen both cognitive processes and academic skills.”
—Douglas Fuchs, PhD, Professor and Nicholas Hobbs Chair of Special Education and Human Development, Vanderbilt University

Essentials of Specific Learning Disability Identification
Essentials of Specific Learning Disability Identification provides accessible, authoritative guidance on specific learning disability (SLD), with the most up-to-date information on assessment, identification, interventions, and more.
Contributions by leading experts examine multiple theoretical orientations and various identification approaches for dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and other common SLDs. Emphasizing real-world utility, this book provides important information for professionals who work with children and youth at risk; many of the SLD identification practices can be put to work immediately, and the expert coverage offers many strategies and interventions for student support in the classroom.
Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment
The Cross-Battery assessment approach—also referred to as the XBA approach—is a time-efficient assessment method grounded solidly in contemporary theory and research. The XBA approach systematically integrates data across cognitive, achievement, and neuropsychological batteries, enabling practitioners to expand their traditional assessments to more comprehensively address referral concerns. This approach also includes guidelines for identification of specific learning disabilities and assessment of cognitive strengths and weaknesses in individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

X-BASS Software
The Cross-Battery Assessment Software System (X-BASS) 2.0 allows assessment professionals access to efficient, expert analysis of cross-battery assessment findings. It integrates the Cross-Battery Assessment Data Management and Interpretive Assistant, Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses Analyzer, and Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix into a single program, covering the latest revisions of over 125 psychological batteries and 1,000 subtests, all classified according to CHC theory.
Preprogrammed formulas conduct the analyses and display the results within the context of CHC theory, and allow you to customize the parameters to answer specific questions.
X-BASS is an essential one-stop within-battery and Cross-Battery Assessment solution.
The Ortiz PVAT is the first receptive vocabulary assessment that can be used to fairly and accurately assess both English speakers and English learners. With unique dual norms, the Ortiz PVAT makes it possible to evaluate an individual from any language background, determine whether an individual’s English vocabulary performance follows expected patterns (as either a native English speaker or an English learner), or rather, is suggestive of a language problem or disorder.
Delivered in a fully digital format, the Ortiz PVAT represents a new direction in fair and standardized receptive vocabulary assessment that allows any practitioner to make valid diagnostic and intervention decisions.

Assessing Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
This is the first book to present a practical, problem-solving approach and hands-on tools and techniques for assessing English language learners and culturally diverse students in K-12 settings. It meets a crucial need among practitioners and special educators working in today’s schools. Provided are research-based, step-by-step procedures for conducting effective interviews with students, parents, and teachers; making the best use of interpreters; addressing special issues in the prereferral process; and conducting accurate, unbiased assessments of academic achievement, intellectual functioning, language proficiency, and acculturation.
Essentials of Bailey -4 Assessment
In Essentials of Bayley 4 Assessment, a distinguished team of authors delivers state-of-the-art guidelines for the application of the new Bayley 4 test of infant and toddler development. The resource offers a comprehensive guide to administering, scoring, interpreting, and applying the test.

Essentials of WISC-V Assessment
Essentials of WISC-V Assessment provides step-by-step guidance for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V). Packed with practical tips for more accurate assessment, this informative guide includes numerous case studies that illustrate a range of real-world issues.
Special attention is devoted to the assessment of individuals who have significant learning difficulties, such as learning disabilities, and who speak English as a second language. The WISC-V is a valuable assessment tool, but it must be administered and scored appropriately to gain meaning from score interpretation.
WJ IV Clinical Use and Interpretation
WJ IV Clinical Use and Interpretation: Scientist-Practitioner Perspectives provides clinical use and interpretive information for clinical practitioners using the Woodcock-Johnson, Fourth Edition (WJ IV). The book discusses how the cognitive, achievement, and oral language batteries are organized, a description of their specific content, a brief review of their psychometric properties, and best practices in interpreting scores on the WJ IV.

Intervention Library
The Intervention Library: is an essential tool for finding interventions that meet the individual educational and learning needs of students and clients.
The Intervention Library is designed provide each students with interventions that are tailored to their unique learning needs. This allows less time researching and more time working with students.
The library is a compilation of over 1000 entries that are uniquely organized into six types, including Instructional, Environmental, Curricular, Remediation Programs, Skill-Building Techniques, and Compensatory Strategies and Supports.
“The intervention Library is a compendium of learning strategies that contains a wealth of resources for child study team professionals, teachers, and independent practitioners who want to expand their armamentarium of recommendations. Rather than being a mere list of strategies, each is linked directly to a cognitive processing (CHC) domain or academic category so that users can become practiced in understanding the cognitive processes underlying academic subject areas, and addressing deficits in specific domains by choosing interventions that target each area.”
– Steven Korner, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, Creskill, N.J., Educator of the Year Award, Learning Disabilities of America (2018)
Essentials of Planning, Selecting, and Tailoring Interventions for Unique Learners
A Resource for Designing and Implementing Intervention Programs for At-Risk Learners This set includes Essentials of Planning, Selecting, and Tailoring Interventions for Unique Learners, along with access to the Intervention Library (FIRST). This authoritative resource provides step-by-step procedures for planning, selecting, and tailoring interventions for at-risk learners with a unique focus on how to individualize interventions using actual case examples.
Each chapter describes how specific difficulties interfere with classroom tasks and explain how to select, modify, or otherwise tailor an intervention based on that information.

Psychoeducational Assessment of Preschool Children
Psychoeducational Assessment of Preschool Children, Fifth Edition, provides academics and school-based practitioners such as psychologists, speech-language pathologists, and social workers with an up-to-date guide to the assessment of young children.
Long recognized as the standard text and reference in its field, this comprehensive, skill-building overview is organized into four sections: foundations, ecological assessment, assessment of developmental domains, and special considerations. Chapters written by recognized scholars in the field cover theory, research, and application. This thoroughly revised new edition addresses current developments in preschool assessment, new policies and legislation, and student/family population demographics.
Healthy Development in Young Children
Every year brings new research studies that aim to describe early childhood development. Despite this boom in research, there has been little useful translation of these studies into clear recommendations for educators and mental health practitioners.
This volume offer guidelines on child assessment across five key areas of development—cognitive, language, behavioral and social-emotional functioning, adaptive behavior, and motor skills.Contributors describe interventions to help children meet age‑appropriate expectations regarding cognitive and emotional maturity, and other key developmental tasks including numerical understanding, early literacy programs; and play.
Psychologists, speech‑language pathologists, social workers, and teachers will find a wealth of information in this comprehensive, practical book.

Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education
This psychological and educational journal that focuses on publishing original contributions from a broad range of psychological and educational perspectives relevant to infants, young children (up to 8 years old), families, and caregivers.
This special issue focuses on prevention of behavioral and emotional disorders in early childhood. More specifically, topics such as the creation of interdisciplinary prevention efforts on a wide scale within a local community, the importance and strategies to increase early screening using evidence based tools, and coordinated and systematic ways to create sustainable change in different early childhood settings are addressed.
Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education
This psychological and educational journal that focuses on publishing original contributions from a broad range of psychological and educational perspectives relevant to infants, young children (up to 8 years old), families, and caregivers.
This issue touches on gender nonconformity and identity, paternal impact on child development and skill acquisition, and how children adapt to kindergarten, according to kindergarten teachers.

Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education
This psychological and educational journal that focuses on publishing original contributions from a broad range of psychological and educational perspectives relevant to infants, young children (up to 8 years old), families, and caregivers.
This issue focuses on early childhood education and research in Community Childcare Programs.
Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education
This psychological and educational journal that focuses on publishing original contributions from a broad range of psychological and educational perspectives relevant to infants, young children (up to 8 years old), families, and caregivers. This issue focuses on the various issues related to Autism Spectrum Disorders.