Join us for our second annual conference with assessment and intervention experts, leaders, and scholars providing cutting-edge insights. Elevate your expertise and interact with professionals driving innovation in the assessment and intervention field! Missed the first conference? Get it now on demand!
January 22-24, 2025
State of the Art of SLD Identification: Linking Assessment Results and Research to Case Conceptualizations and Interventions
At the 2025 annual virtual CAI conference participants will hear from a premier line-up of world-renowned presenters including researchers, scholars, and educators dedicated to advancing the field of SLD identification and intervention. This conference brings together presenters and multiple disciplines including school psychology, education, special education, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, and more.
Conference Recording
State of the Art of SLD Identification 2024: Innovations in Theory, Research, and Practice
At the the first annual virtual CAI conference: State of the Art of SLD Identification: Innovations in Theory, Research, and Practice, participants will hear from a premier line-up of world-renowned presenters including researchers, scholars, and educators dedicated to advancing the field of SLD identification and intervention. This conference brings together presenters and multiple disciplines including school psychology, education, special education, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, genetics, and more.