

Join us for our second annual conference with assessment and intervention experts, leaders, and scholars  providing cutting-edge insights. Elevate your expertise and interact with professionals driving innovation in the assessment and intervention field! Missed the first conference? Get it now on demand!

January 22-24, 2025

State of the Art of SLD Identification: Linking Assessment Results and Research to Case Conceptualizations and Interventions

At the 2025 annual virtual CAI conference participants will hear from a premier line-up of world-renowned presenters including researchers, scholars, and educators dedicated to advancing the field of SLD identification and intervention. This conference brings together presenters and multiple disciplines including school psychology, education, special education, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, and more. 

Conference Recording

State of the Art of SLD Identification 2024: Innovations in Theory, Research, and Practice

At the the first annual virtual CAI conference: State of the Art of SLD Identification: Innovations in Theory, Research, and Practice, participants will hear from a premier line-up of world-renowned presenters including researchers, scholars, and educators dedicated to advancing the field of SLD identification and intervention. This conference brings together presenters and multiple disciplines including school psychology, education, special education, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, genetics, and more.

What attendees have to say

Very informative and helpful in improving my skills as a school psychologist.
Donna M.
The most informative workshops/webinars I have attended in the last year!
Celia L.
I really enjoyed all the sessions that I attended.
Gladys G.
The first CAI conference was amazing. The virtual format was perfect - there were no travel costs and for the same level of presentation as if I had traveled to a national conference. With the virtual format, I did not need to miss any sessions since they are all recorded, and I can watch them at my convenience. It was two days of exceptional speakers all in one place, and for a very affordable registration fee. I definitely will be back for more. Thanks for arranging such a wonderful experience .
Larry P.
The CAI psych group put on a well thought out series of presentations that were interconnected with each other. The presenters were very knowledgeable and able to provide a lot of information in a short period of time as well as answer many questions that were posed. They also had many more sessions that could not all be watched live but were recorded that can be accessed for 90 days after for more learning experiences. I learned a lot of information that is helpful to my practice from attending these sessions and will attend more in the future.
Tara L.
This conference was interesting and relevant! I will definitely return next year.
Jessica C.
I think CAI is going to nail their second conference.
Suzanne S.
Attending this event virtually was easy and reflected the in person conferences where you can choose your sessions. The morning greeting was a nice personal touch.
Stephanie N.
This conference stretched me further than I thought was possible. There were so many session options to choose from which made it difficult to choose. I learned a great deal from this conference. Whether a veteran or novice, you won't be disappointed.
Denessa B.

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