XBA Certification Program

X-Bass Software

Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities: Comprehensive Assessment for Intervention

The XBA Certificate Program brings high level training for the assessment of specific learning disabilities. There are two self-paced online tracks (Applied and Content Only) with lectures from experts in the field, including the developers of XBA, X-BASS and the Intervention Library. This low cost program is an essential component for SLD assessments. CEs are also available.

Participants will learn the latest information, research, and advancements in:

  • CHC Theory
  • The Cross-Battery Assessment (XBA) Approach
  • The Cross-Battery Assessment Software System (X-BASS)
  • The Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) Method of SLD
  • Nondiscriminatory Assessment and the Culture-Language
    Interpretive Matrix (C-LIM)
  • How to Link Evaluation Findings to Individualized Recommendations and Interventions


*Comprehensive Case Studies are Included!

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