State of the Art of SLD Identification: Linking Assessment Results and Research to Case Conceptualizations and Interventions
CAI's Intervention Library organizes over 1000 entries into five categories, including Instructional, Environmental, Curricular, Remediation Programs, Skill Building Techniques, and Compensatory Strategies, to address students' unique learning needs.
Learn more about and register for one or more of the following CAI micro-credentials:
Interventions for Strengthening Executive Functions
Specific Cognitive Processes for SLD Identification
Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia
WJ V: Overview and Research Applications
Culture and Language Considerations in SLD Case Conceptualization
Developmental Disabilities: Differential Diagnosis and Accommodations
Individuals, districts, professional associations, local, state, regional, national, and international organizations.
Unlock new insights and skills with our expert-led webinars designed to elevate your professional growth. Join us to learn from leaders in the field and learn cutting edge, research based information.
Enhance your expertise with our comprehensive trainings tailored to meet district professional needs. Gain practical skills and knowledge from the creators of Cross-Battery Assessment and the Intervention Library..
Join us for our annual conferences with industry leaders and experts providing cutting-edge insights. Elevate your expertise and interact with professionals driving innovation in the assessment and intervention field!.
Our team of experts are available as keynote speakers to elevate your conference with cutting edge information. Our team presents across the US and internationally.
Unlock your potential with our personalized consultation services, designed to provide expert guidance and actionable strategies for any district or university. Let us help you navigate challenges and achieve your goals with confidence and excellence.
CAI was founded by Drs. Flanagan, Ortiz, and Alfonso whose extensive research has led to groundbreaking work in the areas of assessment, evaluation, and intervention, including culturally and linguistically diverse learners. The individual and collective work of Drs. Flanagan, Ortiz, and Alfonso have resulted in hundreds of articles, book chapters, books, local, regional, and national presentations. They have now created a web presence to provide practitioners with a place to access their work, request training, seek consultation services, provide useful resources, and so much more!
The team developed the Cross-Battery Assessment approach and corresponding software system (X-BASS), the Intervention Library and the Ortiz PVAT.
This conference stretched me further than I thought was possible. There were so many session options to choose from which made it difficult to choose. I learned a great deal from this conference. Whether a veteran or novice, you won't be disappointed.
The CAI conference was fantastic in a virtual format with no travel costs. All presentations were recorded for convenience, two days of exceptional speakers in one place, and affordable registration. Looking forward to attending again.
The CAI psych group hosted a series of interconnected presentations led by knowledgeable presenters. They efficiently shared a wealth of information and answered questions. Additional sessions were recorded for 90-day access, offering valuable learning opportunities. Attendees gained helpful insights for their practice and look forward to future sessions.
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