Webinars & Podcasts
The collaborative work of the CAI creators provides a variety of training opportunities, podcasts and other resources to support assessment and intervention needs.

Using the Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) Method and X-BASS to inform SLD Identification - Dr. Flanagan
Dr. Flanagan covers avarious aspects of the Dual Discrepancy Consistency Method and Cross-Battery Assessment from conceptualization and foundational information leading to some advanced features and linking assessment to intervention.
This webinar qualifies for 3.25 CEs.

The Neuropsychology of Mathematics: From Assessment to Intervention - Dr. Steven Feifer
This webinar will explore how young children learn and acquire basic mathematical skills from a brain-based educational perspective. the role of language, working memory, visual-spatial reasoning, and executive functioning will be featured as primary cognitive constructs involved in the acquisition of basic number skills. There will be a discussion on three primary ways in which numbers are formatted in the brain, as well as critical neurodevelopmental pathways that contribute to skills such as automatic fact retrieval, quantitative reasoning, and the development of number sense. In addition, there will be a discussion on how math anxiety can impact learning as well. The expected learning outcomes will be to better understand three prominent types of math disabilities in children, learn critical assessment techniques to tease out each subtype, explore the role of anxiety and math, and to introduce more efficient ways to diagnose and remediate math disorders in children.
This webinar qualifies for 2 CEs.

What Should be Included in a Comprehensive Assessment of Dyslexia – Dr. Nancy Mather
The purpose of this webinar is twofold: (1) to describe in detail the abilities and skills that should be included in a comprehensive evaluation for dyslexia (reading and spelling skills, specific linguistic risk factors, cognitive abilities, and qualitative information) and (2) to describe briefly how these components were operationalized within the newly developed Tests of Dyslexia, including recommendations for intervention (Mather et al., 2024).
This webinar qualifies for 2 CEs.

Assessment and Intervention of Executive Function Deficits that are Impacting Academic Production - Dr. George McCloskey
This presentation will describe executive functions and discuss their involvement in academic production. Thed istinction between learning disabilities resulting from process deficits and producing disabilities resulting from executive control deficits will be highlighted. Reading, writing, and math production difficulties related to executive function deficits will be discussed in detail. The role of motivation in academic learning and production also will be addressed. Assessment methods for identifying executive function deficits impacting academic production will be described. Interventions for helping students improve their use of executive functions when reading, writing, and doing math will be discussed. Case study examples will be used throughout the workshop to illustrate assessment and intervention techniques.
This webinar qualifies for 2 CEs.

Teaching Writing to Students with Learning Differences – Dr. Steve Graham
This presentation first examines the difficulties most students with a learning disability experience and the factors that contribute to these challenges. It then provides recommendations for teaching writing to these students based on research, providing evidence-based practices for Tier 1 and beyond instruction.
This webinar qualifies for 2 CEs.

Using Curriculum-Based Assessment to Inform Reading Interventions - Dr. Dennis Sisco-Taylor
Selecting appropriate intervention strategies for children with reading difficulties is of great importance but can be a challenging endeavor. This session will provide an overview of how to use curriculum-based assessment practices to identify areas of concern within reading and ultimately identify interventions to address those concerns. Methods for continuously monitoring intervention progress and setting appropriate goals will also be discussed.
This webinar qualifies for 2 CEs.

The Nature of Multi-component Instruction for Children with Learning Difficulties: The more, the Better? - Dr. Peng Peng
In this webinar, Dr. Peng will present a series of studies examining the effectiveness of multi-component reading interventions designed to explore whether there exists an optimal combination of reading skills to be employed in these interventions, achieving both effectiveness and efficiency. The findings hold the potential to yield valuable insights for educational practice, guiding decisions about which specific skills should be assessed and taught within the constraints of limited educational resources.
This webinar qualifies for 2 CEs.

Improving PSW Case Conceptualization Accuracy by Taking Measurement Error Seriously (Free)
Drs. W. Joel Schneider, Dawn P. Flanagan, Christopher R. Niileksela, and Joseph R. Engler on this Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) journey toward improving accuracy in assessment through examination of measurement errors.

Improving PSW Case Conceptualization Accuracy by Taking Measurement Error Seriously (Free)
The Cross-Battery Assessment (XBA) Certificate Program provides participants with expertise and proficiency in XBA and the Cross-Battery Assessment Software System (X-BASS).

Students Experiencing Sadness

The LDA Podcast